Novel functional insights into ischemic stroke biology provided by the first genome‑wide association study of stroke in indigenous Africans
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Genome Medicine
Background African ancestry populations have the highest burden of stroke worldwide, yet the genetic basis
of stroke in these populations is obscure. The Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network (SIREN) is a multicenter
study involving 16 sites in West Africa. We conducted the first-ever genome-wide association study (GWAS)
of stroke in indigenous Africans.
Methods Cases were consecutively recruited consenting adults (aged > 18 years) with neuroimaging-confirmed
ischemic stroke. Stroke-free controls were ascertained using a locally validated Questionnaire for Verifying Stroke-Free
Status. DNA genotyping with the H3Africa array was performed, and following initial quality control, GWAS datasets
were imputed into the NIH Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) release2 from BioData Catalyst. Furthermore,
we performed fine-mapping, trans-ethnic meta-analysis, and in silico functional characterization to identify likely
causal variants with a functional interpretation. Results We observed genome-wide significant (P-value < 5.0E−8) SNPs associations near AADACL2 and miRNA
(MIR5186) genes in chromosome 3 after adjusting for hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cardiac status
in the base model as covariates. SNPs near the miRNA (MIR4458) gene in chromosome 5 were also associated
with stroke (P-value < 1.0E−6). The putative genes near AADACL2, MIR5186, and MIR4458 genes were protective
and novel. SNPs associations with stroke in chromosome 2 were more than 77 kb from the closest gene LINC01854
and SNPs in chromosome 7 were more than 116 kb to the closest gene LINC01446 (P-value < 1.0E−6). In addition,
we observed SNPs in genes STXBP5-AS1 (chromosome 6), GALTN9 (chromosome 12), FANCA (chromosome 16),
and DLGAP1 (chromosome 18) (P-value < 1.0E−6). Both genomic regions near genes AADACL2 and MIR4458 remained
significant following fine mapping.
Conclusions Our findings identify potential roles of regulatory miRNA, intergenic non-coding DNA, and intronic
non-coding RNA in the biology of ischemic stroke. These findings reveal new molecular targets that promise to help
close the current gaps in accurate African ancestry-based genetic stroke’s risk prediction and development of new
targeted interventions to prevent or treat stroke.
Research Article
Stroke, Genomics, GWAS, African ancestry