Taking Account of Past Legacies: Reflections on Military Rule in Ghana

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Dept. of Political Science/ FES


As the experience with military rule in Ghana recedes into the distant past, contemporary analysis has become increasingly revisionist. National shortcomings and failures are squarely blamed on military regimes while successes and achievements are directly or indirectly credited to their civilian counterparts. This impulse to demonize military regimes in a wholesale manner may be understandable as an expression of popular support for multi-party representative democracy and commitment of Ghanaians to put behind them the many years of military rule in a democratic age. The essay reviews the record of Ghana’s military regimes and rulers, highlighting their cumulative positive and negative legacies and analyzes their implications for the current and future progress of the country




Joseph R. A. Ayee (ed.), Ghana At 50: Government, Politics and Development (ISBN 9988-572-31-X)