Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to formulate a scheme for the establishment in British West Africa of a College for. The training of Medical Practitioners and the creation and training of an Auxiliary Service of Medical Assistants


The establishment of a Medical School in British West Africa has been contemplated for many years. It has been stated that at the beginning of the century the late Sir William MacGregor, Governor of Lagos, was responsible for first advocating the desirability of such a scheme. Since that date, the subject has .been under consideration from time to time and in I92I Dr. J. M. O'Brien, Senior Medical Officer, visited Dakar and submitted a report on the School of Medicine there, on the lines of which it was suggested that a School of Medicine should be established in British West Africa. The formulation of a detailed scheme was, however, at that time considered to be premature, as the facilities for general education up to the required standard were lacking.


Folio Collection


Colonies, College, Medical Practitioners, Training, Auxiliary Service, Medical Assistants





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