‘Down Payments’ for future Return: The Case of Ghanaian Migrants in the UK
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Ghana Social Science Journal
Research into return migration has explored possible links between
return and the development of origin countries. In addition, returnee
preparedness and resource mobilisation approaches have been examined.
However, few studies address how internal socio-economic conditions
within origin communities could be associated with the nature of return
preparations by migrants. Using a case study methodology, mixed
methods and a comparative approach, this paper examines the
relationship between origin community conditions and pre-return
strategies adopted by Ghanaian migrants in the UK. Two Ghanaian
hometown associations (Kwahuman Association and Kasena-Nankana
Development League) are used as cases to examine this phenomenon
from the perspectives of both the migrants and the origin communities.
Narratives by migrants are interrogated in order to unearth factors that
inform their decision-making and the approaches they adopt to ensure
future successful return. The study concludes that internal socioeconomic
conditions at the origin shape return preparedness approaches
adopted by return migrants.
Ghana Social Science Journal, 14(1)
Return migration, poverty, internal socio-economic conditions, hometown associations, development