Assessment and Use of Electronic Medical Records at the Airport Clinic, Greater Accra Region
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University of Ghana
Electronic medical record (EMR) systems, have the potential of improving the quality and
reliability of health information and communication and the overall quality of healthcare services
in the healthcare system. Reliable health information leads to timely health policies and planning,
which improves the general health status of a country, as well as, serving as a vital element for
individual health facilities in managing and improving healthcare delivery.
The key objective of this research is to assess the EMR system implementation and use at the
Airport Clinic Limited.
The study employed an institutional cross sectional quantitative research design using a complete
census method of active users of the system for data collection. The population for this study was
43 respondents from the different units and department in the facility. Data obtained were
summarized as frequencies and percentages using STATA software.
Welch's t-test is designed for unequal variances, was used to test for user satisfaction which clearly
indicated that user satisfaction was very low, and estimated 28.9% [95% CI: 27.6 – 30.1] and no
statistical significance of the sociodemographic group of the study.
About 67% of respondents indicated that EMR made it easier for the users to retrieve patients past
medical records. Some disagreed that the transition from paper-base to EMR was not beneficial to
their daily work. Majority of the users agreed that one main experience they can still appreciate is the support that was available for all the participants during the implementation preparations at the
facility. Some challenges identified by users of the system that was affecting the implementation
process include, system goes off most times and internet fluctuations and staff shortage.
Electronic Medical Records System assessment and use has been successful because the study
objectives were achieved although it was clear that the overall user satisfaction of using the system
was very low. The challenges associated with the implementation that were affecting some of
these objectives are areas, as management and other stakeholders of the facility should closely
look at in other to help improve the quality of health care and service delivery.
Electronic Medical Records, Airport Clinic, health information and communication