Cooking Fuel Usage in Sub-Saharan Urban Households
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This study models the frequency use of wood, charcoal, liquid gas, electricity, and kerosene
in urban households in Ghana and supplements the literature on cooking fuel choices. The modeling
is based on survey data collected in several major Ghanaian cities. Survey results indicate that
charcoal and liquid gas are frequently used in meal preparation, while the frequency use of firewood,
kerosene, and electricity is limited. Frequency use is estimated using the ordered probit technique.
Five cooking fuel use equations identify income, socio-demographic characteristics, and location of
urban residents as influencing the frequency use. Statistically significant effects measure probability
changes in each of the four fuel categories. Income and education increase the probability of often or
very often of using liquid gas or electricity to cook. The effect of being employed by the government
is similar but less consistent. Age, household size, and marital status are linked to frequency use,
but differently affect specific fuels. As the number of children or adults increases in a household,
so does the probability of using firewood or charcoal, but this also increases the probability that
such households never use liquid gas or electricity for cooking. Regional differences indicate Tamale
residents heavily rely on wood and charcoal, and infrequently use liquid gas or electricity. Multiple
cooking fuel use behavior may reflect risk aversion to fuel shortages. Increasing incomes and
improving education will drive the probability of an increased use of cleaner cooking fuels and
decreased use of fuel mixes, benefiting meal preparers’ health and the environment.
cooking fuel choice, survey, ordered probit, probability change, income, location keyword