Double Plurality in Codeswitching
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Legon Journal of the Humanities, University of Ghana
This paper deals with the phenomenon of double plurality in codeswitching, with
illustrations from Ewe-English Codeswitching (CS). It shows that English nouns
(but never Ewe ones) may take two plurals, the English -s and its Ewe counterpart
wó. –s always occurs on the stem of the noun while wó occurs either immediately
after –s or a few slots away. The paper demonstrates that the English noun-andplural
units are consistently embedded in Ewe-based NPs in which Ewe modifiers
of the English nouns occur in slots associated with them in monolingual Ewe NPs.
While –s may be dropped from mixed NPs that already show double plurality,
the dropping of wó from such NPs makes them unacceptable. Three theoretical
questions are asked in our quest to explain this plural doubling phenomenon. One
is why it involves only English noun heads. The second relates to why the two
forms emerge as plurals even though –s is redundant. The third one is about the
nature of language production involved: what bilingual processes are involved
in the phenomenon of double plurality? It is shown that the two plurals arrive
in their respective positions in the mixed NPs via separate paths in language
production. The distribution of –s relates to processes that are conceptual (i.e.
semantic-pragmatic) in nature. On the other hand, the distribution of wó relates
to processes that are morpho-syntactic in nature. Another issue briefly explored
is what this bilingual phenomenon reveals about the linguistic properties of the
plural category in monolingual NPs. The paper ends with a discussion of the role
that language typology plays in determining whether plurals may be doubled or
not doubled in CS.