Christological Foundations of the New Testament and Contemporary African Christology

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Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (GJRT)


In this article, the author underscores the fact that every Christological discussion must begin with the New Testament foundation and evidence about Jesus the Christ of God. Following Reginald Fuller's trajectory of thought, the author sees the Christology of the New Testament Church developing the three phases upon which three Christo logical paradigms can be discerned. It is from these paradigms, say the author, that 'we get the fullest pattern of Christology ' and 'we are provided with the Christological foundations of the theologies of the New Testament writers'. The writer again points out that it was this same paradigm that the ontological statements of the Church Fathers followed at Nicaea and Chalcedon; and it is the same foundation that African theologians are following today in their search for who Jesus is and what He does for African. Taking the title 'Son of God' as an example, the authoulI1derlines that the African worldview and thought-forms are shedding great lights on New Testament Christo logical titles and concepts.



Christological Foundations, New Testament, Contemporary African Christology, Africa
