An Assessment of the Educational Outcomes of Left-Behind Children of Ghana Police Service Officers on UN Peacekeeping Missions
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University Of Ghana
The major aim of this study was to assess the educational outcomes of left-behind children of the Ghana Police Service Officers on UN Peacekeeping Missions.
Particularly, the study sought to examine: the demographic characteristics of migrant police officers on UN peacekeeping missions; how police officers on peacekeeping negotiate their family relations during their temporary absence; how the absence of police officers on peacekeeping missions affects the educational outcomes of their children.
The study used both quantitative and qualitative data in the analysis. Purposive sampling and snowball methods were used in selecting samples from the target population to participate in the study. A total of fifty (50) participants were selected comprising of 30 left-behind and 20 migrant parents.
It was revealed by the study findings that some of the left-behind children would prefer their fathers leaving rather than their mothers. This is because few of the respondents indicated that there is a negative effect on their educational outcomes. These few people cited that when their fathers are away the effect on them is rather positive through remittances sent to them but mothers leaving were indicated to have negative effects on some of the left-behind children.
Also, their parents keep in touch through various communication media whilst they were away. Generally, there was no significant effect of the absence of parents on left-behind children‟s education because the academic positions of the left behind children indicated that before and after parents embarked on UN missions there have been no significant difference in children‟s performances.
The study recommended counselling sessions and educational support for left-behind children. The study finally made future recommendations by stating that further research should be extended to what happens to families and not just the child when parents who go on peacekeeping do not return.
Educational Outcomes, Children, Ghana Police Service, UN Peacekeeping Missions