Suffering yet surviving: narratives of women living with obstetric fistula in the Northern Region of Ghana
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Taylor & Francis Group
Drawing on the insights of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems and
Lazarus’ coping theories, this article highlights the challenges and
coping strategies of women living with obstetric fistula in the
Northern Region of Ghana. Employing the convenience sampling
technique, 55 women were purposively recruited to participate in
the study. Focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews
(IDIs) were conducted to collect data. With the permission of participants, the FGDs and IDIs were audio-recorded and transcribed. The
data were analyzed to identify emerging themes that addressed the
objectives of the study. The findings indicated that participants
encountered varied challenges (physiological issues; abandonment
and divorce; psychological problems; financial constraints; and difficulty accessing healthcare). Furthermore, it was found that the women
included in this study adopted both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies. Evidence showed that the problem-focused
strategies were begging for assistance and seeking support from the
Fistula Kpandai support group. Maintaining personal hygiene and
optimistic motivation were the emotion-focused strategies employed
by the participants. Based on the findings of the study, implications are
Research Article
Challenges, coping, Ghana, obstetric fistula, qualitative research, women