Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in Gushiegu and Surrounding Areas
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University of Ghana
Gushiegu and surrounding areas are lowland terrain underlain by the Voltaian
System which consists of medium grains sandstones, micaceous sandstones,
interbedded mudstones, siltstones and shales. Lack of perennial surface water has
led to most of the communities in the area relying solely on groundwater as source
of water for domestic and commercial use. Over abstraction of groundwater can
cause significant drawdown of the hydraulic heads leading to significant
ecological consequences. In other to avoid these consequences, proper
management of groundwater resource in the area is encouraged. This begins with
fairly accurate estimation of groundwater recharge; identification of recharge
areas and the source of groundwater recharge.
This study was therefore carried out to estimate the groundwater recharge and its
spatial variations in the study area using Chloride Mass Balance (CMB) and
Water Table Fluctuation (WTF) techniques. The CMB method suggests recharge
in a range 13.9 mm/y to 218 mm/y with an average of 89 mm/yr which translates
into about 1.3% to 21.8 % of the annual precipitation in the area, with an average
of 8.9%. The low recharge rate may be attributed to the geological characteristic
of the unsaturated zone material. Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) was applied
to predict the spatial variation of the estimated groundwater recharge. The same
interpolation technique was applied to isotopic composition of the groundwater to
predict the spatial variation using Surfer 9. The predicted map of the estimated
groundwater recharge suggests that the southwestern and northeastern part of the
study area is most recharged. The highest recharge rates are associated with areas
where open wells encourage significant amount of groundwater recharge from
precipitation in the area. The WTF technique applied to two monitoring wells also
suggest a cumulative average groundwater recharge of 71.4 mm/yr and 81.0
mm/yr which translate into 7.14 % and 8.1 % of the annual precipitation. These
figures agree with the values obtained by the CMB technique.
Isotopic data of precipitation and groundwater were used to infer the origin and
the possible relationship between groundwater and surface water in the partially
metamorphosed sedimentary aquifer system in the Gushiegu area. Though, the
data does not significantly establish potent relation between groundwater and
surface water. The study suggests that groundwater in the area is of meteoric
origin. However, the data suggests significant enrichment of the heavier isotopes
in groundwater relative to rainwater in the region. The high level of evaporative
enrichment of the groundwater was observed because the unsaturated zone in the
study area has been noted for significant clay fractions which retard the vertical
infiltration and percolation of precipitation. This leading to significant proportion
of the annual rainfall lost through evapotranspiration and runoff. The low EC
(68.4 – 1114 μS/cm) values lend credence to the suggestion that the groundwater
is of meteoric origin.
Thesis (MPHIL)-University of Ghana, 2013