Development and Testing of Responsive Feeding Counseling Cards to Strengthen the UNICEF Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Package
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Current Developments In Nutrition
Background: The UNICEF Community-based Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Package (C-IYCFCP) currently has limited responsive
feeding (RF) content, thus limiting the dissemination of RF messages within infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling.
Objectives: This project 1) developed counseling cards based on existing evidence-based RF guidelines and 2) tested their feasibility in Ghana.
Methods: Five RF counseling cards were developed focusing on eating with family; introducing new foods; hunger/satiety cues; food texture; and
calming a child. Four focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with adult mothers and fathers of children younger than 3 years of age to assess
the cultural appropriateness of the cards and accompanying key messages. The feasibility of including cards as part of IYCF counseling was tested
via 1) systematic observation of 8 group education sessions utilizing the cards with the same target audience and 2) in-depth interviews with health
care providers involved in IYCF training and/or counseling.
Results: FGD findings guided changes to all cards to ensure comprehension and cultural appropriateness. The group education sessions
suggested that the counseling cards provided important RF messages that are specific, clear, and feasible to implement. Healthcare providers
strongly endorsed the need for and utility of the RF counseling cards and felt they were feasible and important to integrate into the C-IYCFCP
currently being used to deliver IYCF training and counseling in Ghana.
Conclusions: The counseling cards have a strong potential to add key RF dimensions to IYCF training and counseling in Ghana. Curr Dev Nutr
Research Article
infant feeding, counseling, Ghana, child, responsive feeding, card, cues