The Tshi -Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. Their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language.


THE GOLD COAST consists of that portion of the West African coast comprised between the Assini River on the west and the Volta River on the east, and extends from about 3° 30' west longitude to 30' east longitude. The Gold Coast colony extends from the Assini River to the town of Flohow, some sixty miles to the east of the Volta River; but the territory beyond the latter is really a portion of the Slave Coast. The greater portion of the Gold Coast consists of dense forest, which covers innumerable small hills, averaging from 100 to 300 feet in height. Inland, these hills take the shape of low ranges running more or less parallel with the general line of the coast, and which culminate in the well-known Adansi Hills. All this forest tract, locally termed" the bush," May, for all. Practicable purposes, be considered impenetrable.




Tshi -Speaking, Gold Coast, Language




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