Liquid metal cooled fast reactor thermal hydraulic research development: A review
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The growing interest in fast reactors demands further innovative technologies to enhance their
safety and reliability. Understanding thermal hydraulic activities required for advanced reactor
technology in design and development is key. However, knowledge of Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM)
coolants technology is not mature. The liquid metal-cooled facilities are required experimental
platforms for studying HLM technology. As such, efficient thermal hydraulic experimental result
is important in the accurate validation of numerical results. In this vein, there is a need to closely
review existing thermo-hydraulic studies in HLM test facilities and the test sections. This review
aims to assess existing Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) research facilities, numerical and valida tion works and Liquid Metal-cooled Fast Reactor (LMFR) databases around the world in the last
two decades. Thus, recent thermal hydraulic research studies on experimental facilities and nu merical research that support the design and development of LFRs are discussed. This review
paper highlights thermal hydraulic issues and developmental objectives of HLM, briefly describes
experimental facilities, experimental campaigns and numerical activities, and identifies research
key findings, achievements and future research direction in HLM cooled reactors. This review will
enhance knowledge and improve advanced nuclear reactor technology that ensures a sustainable,
secure, clean and safe energy future.
Research Article
Thermal hydraulics, Liquid metals, Heavy liquid metal coolants