Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Healthcare Professionals in Ghana : A Position Paper
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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
There is a growing interest in the health professionals’ performance sustenance and work- related attitudes
research. This is primarily because health professionals experience on daily basis some undesirable variables like
fatigue, `well-being, stress, emotional drain, psychological need frustration and job dissatisfaction which affect
performance and its sustenance. Health managers quest to resolve issues of performance sustenance, have
resulted in difficulties in their attempt to motivate health professionals to be highly functional and effective to
sustain performance. In a lower-middle income country like Ghana, there has not been a lot of success in this
regard considering the enormity of psychological challenges and the seemingly disturbing work environment
health professionals engage their services in. These continue to affect performance fundamentally because they
keep experiencing negative development psychologically. Additionally, it has been documented severally in the
extant literature how these negative psychological developments affect the performance of healthcare
professionals which unreservedly requires a new dimension in the way work environment is managed. A gap
our study intends to address through the incorporation of positive psychological capital which we seek to use in
moderating the work related attitudes that has the capacity to address the negativity that has engulfed work
environment among healthcare professionals.
Research Article
Job Satisfaction, Healthcare Professionals, Work Environment, Organizational Policies