Instructional practices in physical education setting: Teachers’ utilization of instructional cues, supervision and frequency of pre-service teachers’ participation in netball activities
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International Journal of Applied Research
Instructional cues (IC) regularly occur in physical education (PE) practical lessons. However, not much
research has been conducted into the effectiveness of these cues in teaching and learning environment.
It is also noted that students generally exhibit low interest in netball activities, not only in the colleges
of education but across all levels of education in Ghana. The study was based on pedagogical research
in PE setting where we investigated teacher’s utilization of instructional cues in teaching shooting skill
in netball. We also investigated issues relating to supervision and the frequency of pre-service teachers’
participation in netball activities. A total of 81 participants were randomly sampled for the study. They
were composed of four PE teachers and 77 pre-service teachers from the first-year group of three
selected Colleges of Education (CoE) in the Volta Region, Ghana. The study was descriptive in nature.
A Senior University Lecturer with vast experience in research inspected self-developed data collection
instrument and approved its capability of collecting data for the study. Frequency and percentage
analyses of data were performed and presented in tables, graphs and charts. Major findings of the work
revealed low level of supervision of pre-service teachers in netball activities. Participation level in
netball activities and knowledge of basic netball skills were also found to be low among pre-service
teachers. However, in the 60 minutes video-taped lesson, the rate per minute of constructive
instructional cues (CIC) were higher than the rate per minute of destructive instructional cues (DIC),
indicating that PE teachers were largely able to control destructions during utilization of instructional
cues (IC) in teaching practical lessons involving netball shooting skill.
Research Article
Instructional cue (IC), Constructive instructional cues (CIC), Destructive instructional cues (DIC), Verbal IC