Perceptions And Preferences Of Children’s Books Among Parents In The Ga North Municipality
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University Of Ghana
Children’s books contribute immensely to their cognitive, social and emotional development. Some considerations have been adopted to guide adults in selecting appropriate books for children however, few studies have been done to understand parents’ perceptions and preferences in the selection of books for their children within the Ghanaian context. The study sought to explore parents’ considerations in selecting children’s books and the reasons for those considerations. This study employed a mixed method approach. Parents of children below 8 years were first interviewed on their perceptions of the books available on the market and their preferences for children’s books. Data were transcribed and analysed using NVIVO 12 (to generate themes). Findings from the interviews were used to modify an adapted scale to create a contextually appropriate questionnaire. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to a larger number of parents with similar characteristics. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Version 26). The study revealed that more than half (12) of the parents bought books from various bookshops. More parents (7) stated that they came across more foreign books, even though a few (3) mentioned that they saw a few local books. The study also showed that parents were displeased with the type of books available and would have wanted more local books in the market. Parents stated that they prioritized the quality of the book. Various factors including children’s age, content and illustrations of books were mentioned as factors they would consider when selecting books. Of all the factors, the illustrations and aesthetics as well as the content of books were the main factors considered. Correlation analysis showed a strong relationship (r= 0.612, p>0.01) between recommendations parents receive and their discretion. The findings of the study when documented would serve as a guide for parents in the selection of books for their children.
MPhil. Home Science
Ga North Municipality, Children’s Books, Parents