Factors Affecting Health Seeking Behaviours for Sexually Transmitted Infections among Clients Attending the STI Clinic of the University Of Ghana Hospital, Legon
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University of Ghana
INTRODUCTION - Health, as defined by the World Health Organisation is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Health Seeking Behaviours refers to those actions undertaken by individuals to find appropriate solutions in response to illness or health problems. STIs are estimated to constitute one of the ten main health challenges in developing countries responsible for the loss of healthy life years.
OBJECTIVES -This study sought to examine the rationale behind the patterns of health care seeking behaviours and attitudes of clients who patronised the STI Clinic of the University of Ghana Hospital, Legon.
METHOD - The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study which employed quantitative data collection tools and techniques. The dependent variable was health seeking behaviour of clients and the independent variables were age, gender, marital status, occupation, religion, and educational status. The target populations were males and females 16years and above who reported at the STI Clinic during the study period. Two hundred people were involved in the study. Data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to participants after seeking their permission. A pre-test of the questionnaire was carried out at the La General Hospital a month to the study.
RESULTS – About 49% participants displayed adequate knowledge on STIs with scores between 12 and 15. Almost 93.9% of respondents first sought care in a hospital with the main reason being that they offer better services and have the right expertise to conduct diagnostic tests.
A chi square analysis to establish a relationship between Knowledge on STIs and where patients will first seek care revealed a significant relationship (p= 0.017, 95% CI, OR=12.092). Almost a quarter of respondents, 24.6%, indicated they will wait for more than a week before seeking care for STIs. The main reason associated with this delay being stigma.
CONCLUSION – There is the need for intensive education on STIs especially among young adults in order to control the rate of transmission of the infection.
Thesis (MPh)
Rationale, sough, Attitudes