Work-Related Stress Among Certified Registered Anesthetists In Greater Accra Region

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University Of Ghana


Background and Aims: Stress is anything that puts individuals into a state of physical, and psychological imbalances. Stress can occur in people at different locations and at different times. Stress has a great impact on the health of every individual who works to earn a living. The study aimed to assess work-related stress among certified registered anesthetists (CRAs) practicing in the Greater Accra region(GAR), to determine the factors associated with work-related stress and the work-related stress coping strategies adopted by the CRAs. Methods and Materials: This study used convenience sampling techniques to solicit data from 198 participants. A Google form questionnaire was adopted and distributed to the participants through WhatsApp. A descriptive statistic was used to analyze data generated from the respondents. Data was analyzed using frequencies and proportions to describe the categorical variables, bivariate analysis (Chi square) and ordinal logistic regression were done to describe continuous variables in STATA 16. A p value<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The majority of CRAs experienced moderate level of stress. The level of stress among the CRAs was significantly influenced by the type of health facility and working with inadequate or sub-standard equipment (p <0.05). Work-related stress coping strategies adopted by the CRAs to reduce stress included denial of guilt, substitute gratification, situation control, escape, positive self-instruction and peer support. Conclusion: The certified registered anesthetists undergo moderate level of stress due to the type of health facility and inadequate resources or substandard equipment to work with. CRAs should undergo educational programs and counselling in order for them to be aware of the high demands on their job. With this type of education and guidance, they will understand the demands of their job description. Hence it is recommended that CRAs should be well equipped with proper resources or standard equipment to work with. Again, CRAs should be well motivated at the facility levels to reduce the stress level.




Greater Accra, Work-Related Stress, Certified Registered Anesthetists




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