A Study Of Family Planning Practices Among The Muslims Of Ashaiman
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University of Ghana
The state of poverty among Muslims in Ashaiman is very high. Yet, Muslims continue to produce children in large numbers relative to their earnings. This poverty situation has affected the quality of family life. Family planning practice by Muslim couples is also very low. It is for this reason that this research was organized to examine the situation.
For this purpose, Muslim couples, Religious leaders and family planning officials in the Ashaiman Municipality were interviewed to collect data for this study. At the end of the research, it was discovered that men have the final say in matters concerning family planning practice. Women are not normally given the opportunity to contribute to discussions concerning the subject. This has led to some of them secretly accessing family planning services even without the knowledge and agreement of their spouses.
Based on the findings outlined above, the researcher suggests that men’s superiority over women should be discouraged in order to open the opportunities for all to come together to make decisions regarding the peaceful co-existence and progress of the family. Husbands should not be the only ones to decide when to embark on family planning. It is prudent the engagement and involvement of relevant religious leaders in family planning are sought. All these stakeholders must be educated on the issue of family planning due to the erroneous conviction held by some Muslim men that Islam scowls and condemns the practice.
Mphil. The Study of Religions
poverty, Family Planning, Ashaiman, Ghana
Sadiq, A.M. (2020) A Study Of Family Planning Practices Among The Muslims Of Ashaiman
,University of Ghana, Legon, http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh:8080/handle/123456789/39793