Assessment Of Health Providers And Patients' Comunication On Adherence To Hypertension Treatment
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University of Ghana
Non-adherence to hypertension medications is a major cause of uncontrolled blood
pressure which increases the risk of patients to develop complications. Good health
provider and patient relationship is an important indicator of effective health care service
delivery which can influence patients' adherence to medications. Little information is
available on adherence to treatment among patients attending primary health care clinics
such in district hospital and health provider and patient communication on medications
adherence affect patients' medications behaviour in Ghana.
Objective: this study sought to assess patients' perceptions of health providers'
communication on adherence to hypertension treatment at Apam Catholic Hospital in
Gomoa West.
Method: The study was a cross sectional study. The MMAS 8 items was used to
determined patients’ adherence to medications and a modified Interpersonal Processes of
Care 29 items survey was used to assess patients’ perceptions of health providers
communication. A consecutive sampling method was used to interview 307 hypertensive
patients attending the OPD on daily basis from May to June 2017. Patients' adherence
scores were dichotomized into optimal adherence and suboptimal adherence, (score <8).
Each IPe scores were dichotomized into good IPC and poor IPC. Person's chi square test
was conducted to determine the relationship between patients' characteristics; the IPC
subscales scores and adherence type (optimal or suboptimal). Logistic regression was
performed to test the strength of these associations (p ::;0.005)
Results: the proportion of patients with optimal adherence was 56.7%, among patient’s
sociodemographic characteristics and medical background, patients' age and the number
of pills taking were significantly associated with adherence (p< 0.005). Overall good
IPC's scores range from 58% to 100%. A statistically significant relationship was
reported between the scale "worked together" and adherence (p <0.005).
Conclusion: the proportion of adherence was low. The study found a significant
relationship between the 'patients centered decision making'" and adherence. Patients and
health provider collaboration on patient treatment is capital to enhance patient adherence
to hypertension treatment.
Communication, Health Providers, Patients, Hypertension, Ghana