Economic Burden of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Study of Patients Attending Eastern Regional Hospital Outpatient Clinic


Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is fast attaining pandemic levels. Globally it exerts a huge toll on patients and society physically, financially and psychologically. The chronicity and complications associated with the disease leads to diverse financial and psychological burden especially to patients. This study sought to estimate the economic burden of type-2 diabetes illness. Methods This study was a cross sectional cost-of-illness (COI) survey which relied on quantitative data. Data were collected from May to June, 2016 among 282 diabetics who attended the Eastern Regional Hospital. Participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and supplementary secondary data were retrieved electronically from hospital records. Total direct cost was estimated by summing direct medical and non-medical cost incurred due to the diabetes illness. Indirect cost was estimated based on Human Capital Approach (or Income Approach). Patients’ socioeconomic status was determined using principal components analysis. Data were entered into EpiInfo Version 7 and analysed using STATA Version 13 and Microsoft Excel Version 13. Sensitivity analyses were done to ascertain robustness of the cost estimates. Results Over 91% of study patients were suffering from diabetes complications. Type-2 diabetes was more prevalent among the elderly (mean age of 55 years). While the mean treatment cost of diabetics with complication was GHS175.61 (95% CI: 0-429.55) that of those without complication was GHS137.77 (95% CI: 53.93-221.61). The overall estimated total cost of diabetes treatment was GHS47,853.54 (US$12,270.14). The mean and median total costs wereGHS184.45 (95% CI: 0-521.58) for complicated and GHS128.89 for non-complicated. The estimated direct cost constituted 92.8% of total treatment cost profile. About 44% of patients had their marriages affected by the diabetes conditions one way or the other. Type-2 diabetes affects self-esteem and self-confidence of patients with complications more than those without complications. Conclusion Analysis of estimated total treatment cost and related intangible burden of type-2 diabetes mellitus suggested that the economic burden the disease pose on individuals, businesses and larger economy is enormous. The complexity of the disease require constant and regular treatment regime to avoid complications and its associated cost burden. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, indirect cost, direct cost, intangible cost, socioeconomic status, Ghana


Thesis(MPH)-University of Ghana, 2016


Economic Burden, Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus




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