Modelling Radionuclides Transport and Fate in Groundwater Systems: A Case Study of Newmont Akyem Goldmine in Ghana

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University of Ghana


It has been established that radionuclides accumulates during mining and mineral ore processing, leaching into water bodies and thus increases natu- rally occuring radioactive materials (NORM) concentration levels. In this work, theoretical and experimental methods have been used to study ra- dionuclides transport and fate in groundwater systems at the Newmont Akyem Goldmine in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Radiation doses from radionuclides in groundwater have been modeled by considering advection- di_usion equation in underground system. A mathematical model using a numerical solution based on the _nite di_erence method has been used to describe the transport processes of radionuclides in the groundwater systems under continuous distraction as a result of mining activities. A code written in Matlab was used to compute the numerical solutions of the advection-di_usion equations using available site speci_c parameters. The results of the model predict an increasing concentration of radionuclides of the U-Th Series and the potential radiation doses through consump- tion of groundwater in the study area. The solutions may prove useful for simpli_ed analysis of radionuclide transport in groundwater. Analyti- cal solution was used to verify the results from the numerical model with some experimental data obtained from gamma ray spectroscopy analysis. For experimental veri_cation two sampling zones were earmarked: within 5 kilometers radius and 10 kilometers radius from the mine concession. The average annual committed e_ective doses from theoretical and experimen- tal methods were 1.14 _Sv and 1.05 _Sv respectively. The trend of results of measurement from the gamma spectrometry analysis agreed with the model objective especially wells and boreholes that take their sources from the mine area.


Thesis(PHD)-University of Ghana, 2015


Modelling Radionuclides Transport, Fate in Groundwater Systems, Newmont Akyem Goldmine, Ghana




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