Women Leaders in Ghanaian Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches
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University of Ghana
There seem, in the 21 st century, to be a new generation of women leaders who are
playing major leadership roles, such as becoming pastors and establishing their own
churches. Previous women’s leadership was confined to leading women, children and
groups within their churches. This research seeks to investigate the factors influencing
the changing status of women in the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches. It also
examines the leadership roles of Pentecostalist women.
The research is founded on the intersectionality theory which holds that a number of
factors interact to influence the place and position of women. The work is also set
within Max Weber’s (1864-1920) concept of charismatic leadership which is based on
divine origin and a form of heroism. Data was collected through interviews,
participant observation, as well as messages of these women leaders, where available.
The work focuses on the life and ministry of three women leaders in three selected
Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches. Two of these women have founded and led a
church and prayer centre while the third, a wife of a head pastor, is also recognised as
the co-founder of the church.
The research revealed that some women do not go through any formal theological
training before assuming church leadership. Some of such women may use claims to
the Holy Spirit’s empowerment to legitimise their call to leadership, mainly against
the backdrop of society’s hesitation to accept women’s leadership. Indeed, in addition
to the challenge of society’s reluctance in certain cases to accept their leadership,
women who wish to take up leadership position have to contend with the wider
society’s affirmation of their position. This means, as leaders, these women have had
to prove their capabilities to their communities of faith to gain acceptance. Besides
that, women leaders also negotiate their social and religious spaces in order to
perform their roles as leaders. In the process, they sometimes endorse religious and
socially accepted norms which contradict women’s empowerment.
In spite of these challenges, women have unique roles and contributions as leaders in
the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches. These include counselling, service to the
community especially the needy and special focus on mentoring fellow women. Thus,
it is important for women to continue to play significant leadership roles in the church
to enhance its growth. The reason is that women in leadership as the research further
shows can go a long way to complement the role of their male counterparts.
Ultimately, not only the Pentecostal and Charismatic society but the society as a
whole benefits from such leadership. It is hoped that the example of these women
would create greater opportunities for future female leadership in the church. This
study contributes to the historical study of women in Pentecostal movement in Ghana.
Thesis (PhD) - University of Ghana, 2013
Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches, Women Leaders, Women Pastors, Pentecostalist Women