Production Risk and Technical Efficiency of Irrigated Rice Farms in the Greater Accra and Volta Regions of Ghana
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University of Ghana
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the possible causes of
production volatility that has characterized rice production in the Greater Accra and Volta
Regions of Ghana. The output gap that exists between actual yield and achievable yield
presents an opportunity for output growth. Using cross sectional data, this study presents
an empirical analysis of production risk and technical efficiency of 356 irrigated rice
farms from the two regions. This study adopts the stochastic frontier model with flexible
risk properties to estimate the level of technical efficiencies whiles accounting for
production risk. Thus production variability is assessed from two sources, production risk
and technical efficiency. A single stage maximization likelihood estimation using
STATA 12 is considered to provide the estimates of the mean output, production risk and
technical inefficiency models. This study also attempts to determine some socioeconomic
characteristics and management practices which influence technical efficiency of rice
production in the study area.
The findings demonstrate that the transcendental logarithmic (translog) production
frontier is the best fit model for the mean output function. There is also the presence of
technical inefficiency and production risk in the production process. The technical
inefficiency effects are related to the exogenous variables. Input variables (scaled per
hectare) such as fertilizer, seed, other cost and mechanization cost positively influence
rice output whilst labour negatively influences rice output. The study also shows that
farms in the study area exhibit increasing returns to scale. Fertilizer and mechanization
cost reduce output risk whilst labour, seed and other cost increase output risk. The mean
technical efficiency for the study area is 83.7 percent. There is a significant difference in
mean technical efficiencies for irrigated rice farms in Greater Accra and Volta Regions.
This study concludes that production risk and technical inefficiency prevents the rice
farmers from realizing their frontier output. The best farm practices that improve upon
the efficiency of the rice farmers in the study area include; employing the method of
transplanting, the use of a harrow for tillage and the use of combined harvesters for
harvesting. It was also realized that the extension services present in the area had very
little influence on farmer efficiency.
This study recommends that inputs for rice production should be made readily available,
affordable and accessible to farmers so that more may be employed to further increase
output. The quantity of labour employed on the other hand should be reduced since an
addition to labour would only be an addition to cost and not output. It further
recommends the use of mechanized equipment and fertilizer as an effective means to
mitigate the effect of production risk in the irrigated rice production process.
The extension and advisory services in the study area must be repackaged to enhance
their effectiveness and impact in the study area. Farmers should also be encouraged to
use best agronomic practices through the extension and advisory services to help improve
technical efficiency.
Thesis (MPHIL)-University of Ghana, 2013