Adherence to the test, treat and track strategy for malaria control among prescribers, Mfantseman Municipality, Central Region, Ghana
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The test, treat, and track (T3) strategy is directed at ensuring diagnosis and prompt treatment of uncomplicated malaria cases. Adherence to T3 strategy reduces wrong treatment
and prevents delays in treating the actual cause of fever that may otherwise lead to complications or death. Data on adherence to all three aspects of the T3 strategy is sparse with
previous studies focusing on the testing and treatment aspects. We determined adherence
to the T3 strategy and associated factors in the Mfantseman Municipality of Ghana.
We conducted a health facility based cross-sectional survey in Saltpond Municipal Hospital
and Mercy Women’s Catholic Hospitals in Mfantseman Municipality of the Central Region,
Ghana in 2020. We retrieved electronic records of febrile outpatients and extracted the test ing, treatment and tracking variables. Prescribers were interviewed on factors associated
with adherence using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data analyses was done using
descriptive statistics, bivariate, and multiple logistic regression.
Of 414 febrile outpatient records analyzed, 47 (11.3%) were under five years old. About 180
(43.5%) were tested with 138 (76.7%) testing positive. All positive cases received antimalar ials and 127 (92.0%) were reviewed after treatment. Of 414 febrile patients, 127 (30.7%)
were treated according to the T3 strategy. Higher odds of adherence to T3 were observed
for patients aged 5–25 years compared to older patients (AOR: 2.5, 95% CI: 1.27–4.87, p = 0.008). Adherence was low among physician assistants compared to medical officers
(AOR 0.004, 95% CI 0.004–0.02, p<0.001). Prescribers trained on T3 had higher adherence
(AOR: 99.33 95% CI: 19.53–505.13, p<0.000).
Adherence to T3 strategy is low in Mfantseman Municipality of the Central Region of Ghana.
Health facilities should perform RDTs for febrile patients at the OPD with priority on low
cadre prescribers during the planning and implementation of interventions to improve T3
adherence at the facility level.
Research Article
malaria, T3, test, treat, track, strategy, Ghana
Citation: Agbemafle EE, Addo-Lartey A, Odikro MA, Frimpong JA, Kubio C, Ameme DK, et al. (2023) Adherence to the test, treat and track strategy for malaria control among prescribers, Mfantseman Municipality, Central Region, Ghana. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0279712. pone.0279712