Urban Household Characteristics and Implications for Food Utilization in Accra
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University of Ghana
The right to food is one of the most consistently mentioned international human rights to date.
Unfortunately it is also one of the most spectacularly violated in recent times. Little attention has
been given to food security particularly among the urban poor. This study seeks to examine the
relationship between the household demographic and socio-economic characteristics of urban
low-income population and its implication for food utilization with an emphasis on dietary
The study uses data from the second round of the EDULINK/AARC/GPHRCF survey, 2011.
Data was collected from a sample of 452 households, on the pattern of consumption of drinks
and varieties of food items across different food groups, frequency of consumption (number of
times) and the sources of foods (home, or outside the home including street vendor, fast food
joints, chop bar and restaurants) consumed in the last seven days preceding the survey. Nine
different standardized food groups were scored to generate the household dietary diversity score
ranging between 0 and 9. The household dietary diversity score was used as a proxy measure of
food security. A linear regression analysis was used to determine the statistical association
between household demographic and socio-economic characteristics and household dietary
diversity, controlling for confounding factors such as cultural factors (food taboos) and social
support networks, and food access.
Key findings revealed that male-head of households consumed more food varieties than female-
heads. Household heads both female and male consumed more food varieties outside the home
than at home. With regards to frequency, higher number was consumed at home than outside the
home by both sexes of household heads. Sex of household heads, educational level of household
heads, household wealth status and source of food eaten were significant predictors of dietary
diversity. There was low consumption of fruits and milk/dairy products while the most
commonly eaten food group was cereal based staples, meat/fish/eggs, snacks/processed foods
and vegetables usually prepared in the form of stews/soups or sauces as accompaniments to the
cereals. Households whose heads had no education, those in the poorest quintiles, female-headed
households, households with six or more members and households whose heads were not
working as at the time of the survey were the most disadvantaged in terms of dietary diversity.
Also, educational status, household wealth status, sex of household heads and sources of food
(Home and Outside home) were the only statistically significant predictor variables of HDD at
Food-based approaches have been recommended as the first priority to meet micronutrient needs
and address the new emerging issues of obesity and other chronic non-communicable diseases
relating to poor dieting and limited physical activities in such an urban environment with
sedentary occupations and lifestyle. Information collected on dietary diversity can be used to
inform a baseline assessment of food security at the individual, household, national and global
Thesis (MPHIL) - University of Ghana, 2012