Multienvironment Evaluation of Tannin-Free Photoperiod-Insensitive Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) for Yield and Resistance to Grain Mold in Senegal


Combining resistance to grain mold with high grain yield in tannin-free white-grained photoperiod-insensitive sorghum is of major interest for farmers in Senegal. In this study, GGE biplot analysis was used to assess the performance, adaptability, and stability of eleven sorghum parental lines and their hybrid combinations for yield and grain mold resistance under Senegalese environments. Eleven inbred lines along with their 22 hybrid combinations and one check were evaluated across three sites during the 2015 and 2016 rainy seasons under natural grain mold infestation. (e results of this study showed strong genetic variability among studied genotypes for all measured traits. (e highly significant G× E interaction effects for grain yield and panicle grain mold rating score (PGMR) indicated that both traits are influenced by genetics and to some extent by environment. Broad-sense heritability computed was high for all these traits except PGMR, showing a high environmental pressure on this later. (e study showed that grain mold pressure in the studied sites decreased following a South-North gradient similar to the rainfall pattern, with the south region wetter, explaining the high disease pressure in Darou and Sinthiou Maleme contrary to Bambey. (e GGE biplot analysis performed showed that the first two principal components explained 85.84% of the total variation of GGE sum of squares for grain yield. (e which won-where view of the GGE biplot for grain yield showed that the hybrid HB16 was the most adapted for Bambey area. (e ranking of genotypes based on both yield performance and stability showed that HB16, HB5, HB21, HB18, and HB7 were the best hybrids combining high grain yield, high stability performance, and tolerance to grain mold disease across the test environments. (These hybrids outperformed the best yielding inbred line P29 (2196.7 kg ha−1 ) with grain yield advantages ranging 17–60%. (erefore, these hybrids could be recommended to farmers in order to improve sorghum yield in Senegal.


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