Adherence To Anti-Retro-Viral Treatment (Arv) Among People Living With HIV/AIDS In Montserrado County, Liberia


Though antiretroviral treatment (ARV) is known to be helpful to people living with HIV (PLHIV) globally, knowledge gaps in relation to adherence to ARV treatment among PLHIV do exist in Liberia. Thus, the aim of the study was to assess adherence to ARV treatment among PLHIV in Liberia. A cross-sectional study was done in 2016 among Liberian HIV-positive individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment. A sample size of 270 was calculated using two-stage sampling (first by strata, and then by simple random sampling in each stratum. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to participants. Participants were considered highly adherent if they reported following their medication per prescription by health providers. Reasons for non-adherence to ARV treatment were recorded while logistic regression modeling was developed using significant factors influencing non-adherence to ARV treatment. There were no significant differences between highly adherent and less adherent patients with regard to age, education and employment status. Reasons associated with high non-adherence were unavailability of drugs, side effects, busy work schedule and travels, no money for transportation to collect drugs, funerals and others. Non-adherence to ARV treatment was higher in respondents within the age range 20-35 years. Educated respondents was higher in non-adhering to treatment as compared to non-educated. From the logistic model developed, non-adherence was more likely among patients with multiple pills (pills burden), difficulty in remembering medication time and side effects. However, adherence was more likely among patients who experience short stay at the health care center as well as patients who view ART medication as easy. Despite the importance of ARV treatment to PLHIV, the study revealed high level of non-adherence among HIV patients in Liberia. Regarding reasons provided for non-adherence, some recommendations for promoting adherence to ARV treatment in Liberia include continuous counseling by trained counselors should be carried out at all times when patients visit the hospital for medication.


Thesis (MPhil)


Adherence To Anti-Retro-Viral Treatment (ARV), People Living With HIV/AIDS, Montserrado County, Liberia, Africa




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