A Study of Some Factors Affecting the Prevalence of Schistosomiasis in 2 Rural Communities in the Asuogyaman District
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University of Ghana
This study was intended to find the social and environmental factors that affect
the prevalence o f schistosomiasis in two rural communities in the Asuogyaman
The study was conducted in response to a felt need by the District Health
A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted, using both quantitative and
qualitative methods. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire to
interview young people aged 10-20 years on their knowledge, attitude and
practice concerning schistosomiasis, a focus group discussion among a selected
group o f adults and a non-participant observation.
The study revealed the lack o f water and sanitation facilities in Dzidzokope as
compared to South Senchi where such facilities exist, to have contributed to the
relatively higher prevalence in Dzidzokope. Also, the study showed that the
community with a higher prevalence (Dzidzokope) is located just near the
source o f infection while that with a lower prevalence is further away from the
river source. Analysis showed that knowledge was high among respondents, with 80% in
Dzidzokope and 86% in South Senchi associating schistosomiasis with the Lake
but such knowledge is not consistent with their practices especially in the
Dzidzokope community where the prevalence is higher.
In this study, members o f both communities poorly rated education on
schistosomiasis as a preventive and control measure, even though they receive
health education on schistosomiasis from the school and the Volta River
Based on the findings o f the study, the following key recommendations have
been made to the relevant authorities:
• New settlements should be located fairly distant from the shores o f the Lake
and provided with water and sanitation facilities to reduce frequency o f entry
of the people into the water.
• Health education should stress on the mode o f transmission of
• Treatment should be given to all members o f the community at the same
Thesis(MPH)- University of Ghana