Towards the development of analytical monograph specifications for the quality assessment of the medicinal plant Phyllanthus urinaria


Many people in developing countries rely on herbal remedies for their primary healthcare needs. The challenge however is that several of these products lack proper documentation of quality and safety. To ensure consistent quality, validated methods are needed to establish and control quality attributes associated with identity, purity, and levels of bioactive constituents of the respective herbal materials. The present study focused on Phyllanthus urinaria (PU), a widely used medicinal plant in Ghana and West Africa that lacks the necessary quality control standards. The study aimed to develop an HPTLC identification method, which together with UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS analysis established the identity of PU samples and differentiated PU from other closely related Phyl lanthus species. Quantitative UPLC and HPTLC methods were developed to assess the contents of selected active markers in the PU samples, which invariably led to the proposal of acceptance criteria for the active markers. Prior to the content analyses, the sample extraction procedure was optimized through the use of Design of Experiment method. The effects of harvest time and geographic origin on the content of active compounds were demonstrated in the investigations. PU samples were also found to be contaminated with higher levels of pes ticides like chlorpyrifos and folpet. Essentially, this study provides analytical protocols, insights into the quality status of PU samples in Ghana, and analytical specifications contained in a drafted monograph for future consideration in regional and subregional African pharmacopoeias.


Research Article


Phyllanthus urinaria, Quality control, Specifications




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