Relevance of the Code Conduct and Work Ethics to the Ghana Civil Service
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University of Ghana
Over the last ten (10) years the Ghana Civil Service has been implementing a new Civil
Service Code of Conduct and Work Ethics policy. It was introduced in 1999 by the Office
of the Head of the Civil Service (OHCS) with the ultimate goal of improving the work
culture, enhancing the overall professional efficiency and image of the Civil Service. This
study into the relevance of the new policy to the Civil Service of Ghana was done from the
stand point of the top level management personnel of the Service, who were responsible
for its successful implementation.
The study was conducted between October 2012 and April 2013 within a random sample
of 8 out of 24 Ministries and 3 purposively selected ministerial organizations located
within the Ministerial Area in Accra. The study population of 135 personnel comprised of
27 Chief Directors and 108 four-line Directors. The triangulated approach was employed
in the gathering of both qualitative and quantitative data. Primary data was gathered
through questionnaires administered by the investigator to the respondents, interviews and
the observation method, whilst secondary data was obtained from official records and
library sources. At the end of the data gathering period, out of 56 questionnaires
administered 45 (80.4%) responses were obtained. Since the groups in the study
population are fairly homogeneous, the total responses obtained for the study could be said
to be statistically representative.
The general objective of the study is to provide an understanding of how the policy has
been implemented for the past decade, how far the goals have been achieved and the
challenges. The four specific objectives of the study are to: Examine the rationale for and
key elements of the new Civil Service Code of Conduct and Work Ethics policy; Assess
the relevance of the new Code of Conduct and Work Ethics to the knowledge, attitudes
and perceptions of the implementers; Examine the adequacy of strategy for the successful
implementation of the new policy; and find out the challenges and make policy
recommendations. The two hypotheses tested are: That top level managers of the Civil
Service did NOT show a low level perception of the Civil Service Code of Conduct/Work
Ethics; and, That there is NO significant difference in the strategy adopted by the Chief
Directors and the approved HRM strategy for the implementation of the Code of
Conduct/Work Ethics policy.
Having in mind the objectives of the study, the theoretical frameworks used are the
Systems Theory, the dominant culture-cum-sub-culture models, the Ethics Management
Theory and the related ―Ethics Benchmarking‖ model and the modern Human Resource
Management approach.
The major findings of the research are that, the implementers have not done enough to
achieve the policy goals. First, though majority of respondents had considerably high level
perception and understanding of the key principles of the policy, the implementation was
poorly managed. Secondly, we noted that the preponderance of such non-rational factors
as political interference, personal concern for career progression and job security, doing
favours for family and friends and to an extent, office romance among respondents meant
that they play major roles in decision-making by ̳big men‘ or top level management of the
Civil Service. The implementers have thus permitted desirable ethical principles and
values of the Service such as objectivity, meritocracy, organizational loyalty,
accountability and professionalism, to suffer when making ethical and official decisions.
In sum, because the implementers have low level of understanding for the basic principles
of the policy, ineffective systems and structures have been adopted for the
implementation. Poor and mediocrity ethics leadership and management thus translate into
the overall failure to achieve the short-to-medium term goals of the policy. Though
respondents perceive the policy as a relevant mechanism for leveraging the image of their
organizations, new developments within the local and global policy environment,
including the passage of new laws and policies years after the adoption of the Code of
Conduct policy in the Civil Service, respondents do not favour its revision soon. The study
also pointed out that issues of sexual harassment and work place romance may be difficult
to address or sanction. This may not only be due to cultural factors which compel the
female victims to condone or tolerate these unethical conducts or prefer to ̳suffer in
silence‘, but also because top level leadership lacks the commitment needed to make
official policies bite. Regardless of the goals the new policy, the overall evidence from the
study, makes it clear that the poor implementation the human rights of workers were not
likely to be address adequately, nor will the desired local and international labour
regulations reflect in the Civil Service administration in Ghana.
The study therefore recommends that, the implementers should adopt modern human
resource and ethics management strategies with committed leadership, accountability,
systematic training, the application of rewards and sanctions and de-politicization of the
Service, to help transform the overall professional efficiency, work culture and image of
the Civil Service as envisaged.
Finally, given that some of the initial theoretical assertions have been confirmed by the
study and others refuted, the enhancement of our appreciation of how relevant the new
Code of Conduct/Work Ethics policy is to the Civil Service cannot be underscored. In this
regard, it is hoped that this study would be a wakeup call for the Public Policy fraternity
that laudable as a policy may be, the envisaged goals would not be realized if those in
charge are not fully committed to adopting appropriate mechanisms for implementation.
The findings of this study could thus usefully form the basis for a more rigorous research
in future to help build the evidence based knowledge on the Code of Conduct and Work
Ethics within the Ghana Civil Service.
Thesis (MPHIL)-University of Ghana, 2013