Gestational Weight Gain and It’s Contributing Factors among Post-Natal Women at Tema General Hospital, Greater Accra


Background: Optimal gestational weight gain is an important factor linked with positive outcome for both mothers and their infants. Women who gain inadequate weight during pregnancy are at risk of bearing a baby with low birth weight whereas those who gain excessive weight are at increased risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. In developing countries, data on gestational weight gain and its determinants are scarce as it is difficult to collect the information throughout the pregnancy period. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of inadequate, adequate and excessive gestational weight gain and its associated factors. Methods: This was a health-facility-based quantitative cross-sectional study which involved 322 post-natal women. A structured questionnaire guide and checklist was used to collect both primary and secondary data respectively. Data collected was analyzed using STATA version 14.0 Results: The study showed 22.7%, 29.2% and 48.1% prevalence of inadequate, adequate and excessive gestational weight gain respectively. Initial pregnancy BMI (p=0.043), marital status (p=0.014), employment status (p=0.009) and dietary patterns specifically starchy staples (p=0.053) and legumes, nuts and seeds (p=0.057) were significantly associated with gestational weight gain. Conclusion: The proportion of women who gained excessive weight during pregnancy was high as compared to inadequate and optimal weights gained. There is the need to develop and incorporate gestational weight gain guidelines in the care of pregnant women to help mitigate excessive weight gain and optimize pregnancy and birth outcomes.


Thesisi (MPH)


Diet and Physical Activity, BMI, Gestational weight gain




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