Ghana’s Progress Towards Measles Elimination: Surveillance Data Analysis, Greater Accra Region, 2015 – 2019
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Frontiers in Tropical Diseases
Introduction: Although measles is targeted for global elimination by 2020, an
An estimated 869,770 measles cases and 207,500 deaths occurred in 2019. Ghana
adopted the World Health Organization measles elimination strategies, however,
evidence of a systematic, comprehensive analysis of data tracking progress
towards elimination is sparse. We analyzed measles data to describe its
epidemiology, surveillance, and vaccination coverage performances in the
Greater Accra Region.
Methods: We reviewed and conducted a descriptive analysis of measles
surveillance, laboratory, and vaccination data for 2015 to 2019 obtained from
the regional health directorate and the national public health reference laboratory.
Case patients’ demographic and clinical variables were analyzed into
frequencies, proportions, and rates. We used WHO measles elimination
performance targets; at least one suspected measles case reported per
100,000 population, 80% of suspected measles cases investigated with
adequate blood samples, measles incidence <1/1,000,000 population, 95%
routine vaccination coverage and during SIAs as benchmarks.
Results: Of the 930 suspected measles cases reported, 605 (65.1%) were tested.
Males accounted for 356 (58.8%), 141 (23.3%), 342 (56.5%), and 122 (20.2%).
children <1, 1–4, and ≥5 years old, respectively. Of those tested, 10 (1.65%) were
measles IgM confirmed, of which 7 (70.0%) had received at least one dose of
measles vaccine. The annualized measles reporting rate ranged from 1.8 to 6.4 per
100,000 people from 2015 to 2019. The district specimen collection rate was
100%, and measles incidence was between 0 and 0.6 per million of the population in the
period 2015–2019. Measles vaccination coverage increased from 73.5% in 2016
to 102% in 2019, with 75% of districts achieving 95% coverage in 2019.
Conclusion: The measles case-based surveillance system and vaccination
program in the Greater Accra region showed an increasing level of performance toward Ghana’s elimination status. However, performance in laboratory testing of
blood specimens were suboptimal. Authorities of Ghana’s health system should
strengthen laboratory capacity for prompt diagnosis of measles.
Research Article
measles, vaccination coverage, World Health Organization