Impact of childhood and adolescence cancer on family caregivers: a qualitative analysis of strains, resources and coping behaviours
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BMC Psychology
Background The physical demands of caring for children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer, over a lengthy
period, exert significant strain on the health and well-being of family caregivers. The capacity of family caregivers to
surmount and cope with the various strains they experience due to the diagnosis and treatment trajectory is essential
to the quality of life of the child and adolescent who has been diagnosed with cancer. However, the experiences of
family caregivers have been under-explored. This study explored the strains, resources, and coping strategies of family
caregivers of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer in Ghana.
Methods Guided by a descriptive phenomenological design, 20 semi-structured interviews with family caregivers
were conducted at a tertiary health facility that provides paediatric oncology services. The study was conducted
between June and October 2022. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, translated and coded using NVivo
software. An inductive thematic analysis approach using Vaismoradi et al.’s thematic analysis framework was followed
in analysing the data.
Results The study revealed that family caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer experienced three main strains:
somatic strains (poor sleep quality, loss of appetite, and unintended weight loss), economic strains (financial burden
and loss of economic livelihood), and psychosocial strains (isolation from social activities and network, frustration
and helplessness, and balancing multiple family needs). The following themes emerged as coping resources: family
cohesiveness, community support, and support from health care providers. Coping strategies that emerged included
trusting in God and being self-motivated.
Conclusion The study concludes that family caregivers experience somatic, economic, and psychosocial strains.
However, they can leverage available resources (family cohesiveness, community support, and support from
healthcare providers) to cope with these strains. There is a need to educate and sensitize family caregivers about the
potential strains that they are likely to experience prior to the assumption of care roles. Also, the formal inclusion of
non-governmental organizations and religious bodies will ensure that family caregivers receive sufficient community
support to cope with the strains of caregiving
Research Article
Cancer,, Paediatrics,, Qualitative research