Assessing the Impact of Social Protection on Social Inclusion: The Case of the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (Leap) In the GA South Municipality
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University of Ghana
Social protection has gained considerable support in both global and national development agenda. Ghana’s Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) is a poverty reduction programme that transfers cash to extremely poor households. While its potential of alleviating poverty is well-documented and researched, issues relating to its contributions to social inclusion remain largely under-researched. This study examined the implications of the LEAP through social inclusion lenses. Findings showed that LEAP has enhanced state-citizen relations and has potential of fostering active citizenship. However, while there are various claims of the LEAP as right from the perspective of programme implementers, notions of the LEAP cash grant as charity or hand-out is very common and widespread among beneficiaries and has impacted negatively on demand-side accountability. The study also found that limited knowledge among beneficiaries, inadequate participatory spaces, and some conditionalities exacerbate perceptions of LEAP as charity and have consequences on social inclusions and community relations. The study used Right-Based Approach as the framework guiding the work. The study area was Ga South Municipality. Qualitative research approach involving interviews with respondents from MoGCSP, DSW, CLICs/focal persons and LEAP beneficiaries was used to gather data. The study concludes that although LEAP has contributed significantly to poverty reduction, it has latent consequences of undermining beneficiaries’ dignity, social status and social inclusion generally.
GA South Municipality, Impact of Social Protection, Livelihood Empowerment