Effect Of Comprehensive Hiv/Aids Knowledge On Risky Sexual Behaviour Of Young Men In Cape Coast Metropolis
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University Of Ghana
Background: HIV/AIDS has evolved into one of the world's most destructive diseases. HIV/AIDS is regarded as one of the world's most serious public health problems. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS is important for ensuring safer conduct and lowering the risk of contracting the disease. While knowledge about the disease is a prerequisite for improvement, it has also been shown that increased knowledge about AIDS is not a predictor of behavioural change.
Aim: This study identified the effects of comprehensive HIV/AIDS knowledge on the sexual behaviour of young men in the Cape Coast Metropolis.
Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative design was employed to identify the effects of comprehensive HIV/AIDS knowledge on the sexual behaviour of young men in the Cape Coast Metropolis. The study population used young men between the ages of 10-24 years and permanent residents of the Cape Coast Metropolis. A multi–staged sampling technique was used to recruit 198 respondents at their respective households. Parents and guardians consented for those less than 18years to respond to the questionnaire for the study.
Result: About thirty-four percent of the sampled population did not have comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS while about 32% had high comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Out of the 198 sampled young men in the study area, 122 representing 61.6 percent have ever had sexual intercourse. 76 out of 122 reported that they had their first sexual intercourse when they were between the ages of 15-19 years. Some common forms of sexual practices that were reported among young men in the Cape Coast metropolis were oral sex (24.2%), vaginal sex (71.0%) and multiple sexual partnership (71.2%). Only 24.2 % reported frequent use of condom during sexual intercourse while non-use of condom was really high among young men (75.8%).
Comprehensive Hiv/Aids Knowledge, Risky Sexual Behaviour Of Young Men, Cape Coast Metropolis