Report on the objections lodged with the Colonial Secretary against the application of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1924 to the town of Accra with minutes of evidence.
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Government Printing Office, Accra, Gold Coast.
The Municipal Corporations Ordinance 1924 (no. 29 of 1924) was passed by the Legislative Council on the 30th July, 1924, it received the acting governor's assent on the 30th August, 1924, and was published on the 23rd September, 1924, in gazette no. 77 of 1924.
It is provided by section 186 of part IX of the Ordinance that the Governor may, subject to a resolution of the Legislative Council, apply the Ordinance to any town of the colony provided that notice of such resolution was published in the gazette not less than two months before such resolution is moved in the legislative council. In virtue thereof a notice in the following terms was published on the 13th September in gazette no. 71 of 1924, and again on the 23rd September, 1924 in gazette no. 77 of 1924 (i.e. the same gazette in which the Ordinance appeared)
Minutes, Municipal Corporations Ordinance, Objections, Legislative Council, Accra, Gold Coast, Resolution