Experience Of Young People With Disabilities Accessing Sexual And Reproductive Health Services In Korle Klottey In The Greater Accra Region

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University Of Ghana


Background: There are misconceptions regarding the sexuality of people with disabilities, which can make it difficult for them to form connections with others, particularly those of the opposite sex. The negative attitudes of healthcare staff towards persons with disabilities seeking information on sexual and reproductive health services adds to the stereotypes about the sexuality of people with disabilities. Objective: The main objective of the study was to assess factors associated with access to SRH services among young people with disabilities. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted to explore the experience of young people with disabilities ability to access sexual and reproductive health services. Purposive sampling and Convenience sampling procedures were used to select 26 participants. The study used Focus Group Discussions which aided in generating ideas and opinions from the participants. NVivo 10 software was used for data analysis. Results: Young people with disabilities reported knowing about and using Sexual and Reproductive Health services such as contraceptives; however, they were reliant on others to accompany them to service providers, limiting their access to confidential services. Financial barriers, provider attitudes, and accessibility due to their disability were the most significant barriers to SRH services.




Korle Klottey, Greater Accra Region, Disabilities, Sexual And Reproductive Health Services




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