Complementary Feeding Indicators in Relation to Micronutrient Status of Ghanaian Children Aged 6–23 Months: Results from a National Survey
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in infants and young children. The associations between complementary feeding and growth
have been studied well, but less is known about the relationship between complementary feeding
and micronutrient status. Methods: Using data from a national cross-sectional survey conducted in
Ghana in 2017, we examined how multiple WHO-recommended complementary feeding indicators
relate to anemia and the micronutrient status of children aged 6–23 months. Results: In total, 42%,
38%, and 14% of the children met the criteria for minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal
frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD), respectively. In addition, 71% and 52%
of the children consumed iron-rich foods and vitamin A-rich foods, respectively. The prevalence
of anemia, iron deficiency (ID), iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and vitamin A deficiency (VAD) was
46%, 45%, 27%, and 10%, respectively. Inverse associations between MMF and socio-economic status
were found, and MMF was associated with an increased risk of ID (55%; p < 0.013) and IDA (38%;
p < 0.002). Conclusion: The pathways connecting complementary feeding and micronutrient status
are complex. Findings related to MMF should be further investigated to ensure that complementary
feeding programs account for the potential practice of frequent feeding with nutrient-poor foods.
Research Article
complementary feeding, infant and young child feeding, anemia, iron deficiency, vitamin a deficiency; children