Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey
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The Universal Publishing House.
This Volume is compiled from the speeches and articles delivered and written by Marcus Garvey from time to time. My purpose for compiling same primarily, was not for publication, but rather to .keep as a personal record of the opinions and sayings of my husband during his career as the Leader of that portion of the human family known as the Negro Race. However, on second thought, I decided to publish this volume in order to give to the public an opportunity of studying and forming an opinion of him; not from inflated and misleading newspaper and magazine articles, but from expressions of thoughts enunciated by him in defence of his oppressed and struggling race ; so that by his own words he may be judged, and Negroes the• world over may be informed and inspired, for truth, brought to light, forces conviction, and a state of conviction inspires action.
The history of contact between the white and black races for the last three hundred years or more, records only a series of pillages, wholesale murders, atrocious brutalities, industrial exploitation, disfranchisement of the one on the other; the strong against the weak; but the sun of evolution is gradually rising, shedding its light between the clouds of misery and oppression, and quickening and animating to racial consciousness and eventual national independence black men and women the world over . It is human, therefore, that few of us within the Negro race can 'comprehend this transcendent period. We all suffer in a more or less degree; we all feel this awakened spirit of true manhood and womanhood; but it is given to few the vision of leadership.
Philosophy, Marcus Garvey, Negroes, Racial Bias