Door of Hope or Despair: Students’ Perception of Distance Education at University of Ghana

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Oteng-Ababio, M.

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Anadolu University, Eskisehir


Distance Education has globally become one of the important solutions for increasing admission into the universities, decongesting campuses and efficient utilization of time and space. To ensure the sustainability of the programmes’ noble objectives calls for periodic re-evaluation of its modus operandi including the assessment of the perception of its intended beneficiaries. Using exploratory factor analysis, this study analyzes the perceptions of DE students from the University of Ghana. The results of the study show that students have positive perception on the usefulness, satisfaction and flexibility of the programme but have a negative attitude towards examination related issues. The underlying factors include the untimely delivery and poorly edited modules as well as poor arranged examination schedules. The study recommends the implementation of electronic mediated services as one of the main ways of making the objectives of DE a reality



Distance education, student perception, leaner satisfaction, computer mediated services, university of Ghana


Anadolu University, Eskisehir, pp. 241-258/ Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education: 12 (3): 241-258



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