The case for paternity leave in Ghana: Imperatives and implications for gender parity
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Springer Verlag
The aim of this paper is to make a persuasive case for the provision of paid paternity leave for fathers in Ghana by describing several benefits of paternity leave to the family and the business as a whole. The paper examines the arguments for paternity leave through series of literature review, the position of law on paid paternity leave in Ghana and its implications for gender parity. The paper also presents examples of countries that have ratified the ILO conventions on paternity leave provisions and enshrined them in their country-specific legal regulatory frameworks. Given the diverse benefits of paid paternity leave around the world, the need for paternity leave has become a necessity if not obligatory. The paper makes a strong case for expedite action on the amendment of Ghana’s labour law to incorporate at least five days paid leave for fathers in relation to childbirth in Ghana. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019.
Family and business case, Gender parity, Ghana, Legislation, Paternity leave, Regulation