The Impact Of Stakeholder Market Orientation On Sustainability Performance At Tourism Destinations
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University of Ghana
Market orientation has become the cornerstone of the marketing practice and management. As
a result, it has attracted scholarly attention in the past years to call for the reconceptualization
of market orientation and its combination with other strategic orientations and its ability to
have a significant impact on sustainability performance. As a result, this study reconceptualised
the market orientation (MO) into sustainability stakeholder market orientation (SStMO) by
expanding its constituents and applying it To predict sustainability performance (SP). The
study examines the impact of StMO on sustainability performance (SP) at tourism destinations
(TDs) in Ghana. Using the stakeholder and institutional theories, the study in conjunction with
extensive literature review produce a conceptual framework. A quantitative survey method of
313 respondents of tourism businesses was used for the study. The Smart PLS- structural
equation modelling was employed to analyse the empirical data through measurement and
structural models as well as examining the moderating role of state regulations. Further, the
study finds that, environmental performance tops the level of sustainability practices at the
tourism destinations, followed by economic sustainability performance and social
sustainability performance. Out of twelve (12) hypotheses that were used to test the relationship
between StMO and SP, nine (9) out of the twelve were supported whilst three (3) were rejected.
The study also finds that, ecological regulation positively moderates the relationship whilst
political regulation was negative. The theoretical and managerial implications as well as future
research are also discussed in the study.
PhD. Marketing
Tourism Destinations, Sustainability Performance, Stakeholder, Ghana, Market Orientation