Economic Burden of Hypertension among Patients Attending Nsawam- Government Hospital in the Nsawam- Adoagyiri Municipality, Eastern Region, Ghana.
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University of Ghana
Background: Hypertension is a chronic asymptomatic disease condition which affect
every part of the world and has no respect for age and often, increases with age. The
Objective of this study was to estimate the economic burden of hypertension among
patients attending Nsawam Government Hospital in the Nsawam- Adoagyiri Municipality
of the Eastern Region, Ghana.
A descriptive cross sectional Cost of Illness (COI) survey which relied on quantitative
data was conducted among 202 patients who have been diagnosed as hypertensive and thus,
are receiving medical care at Nsawam Government Hospital from 29th May 2018 to 13th
June, 2018. Data on socio-demographic characteristics, direct cost, indirect cost and the
intangible cost which patients incurred as a result of seeking medical care were collected
and analyzed.
A total of 202 hypertensives were interviewed. Their mean age was 59 years.
The total monthly treatment cost was GHS29,302.55 (US$6,356.30) with the direct cost
accounting for almost 70% of the total cost of managing hypertension accompanied by a
moderate intangible cost as reported by most of the patients.
Hypertension pose a considerable economic burden and a reduction in the income of the
patients, impacting negatively on their welfare which often render them into financial
distress in an attempt to seek for treatment.
Hypertension, Nsawam- Government Hospital, Nsawam- Adoagyiri Municipality