Revitalizing Self-Help Spirit In The Communities: Are There Roles For Adult Educators To Play?
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Community Development
Self-help spirit, which culminates into selfless services, voluntarism,
and free labor by people in communities appears to be waning in
Ghana. This free labor service is provided by community members
require revitalization. Adult educators have roles to play in revitalizing self-help spirit to build resilient communities., Questions to be
addressed are: What is self-help in community development? Who
are adult educators and what roles they play in reviving self-help
spirit in the communities? This theoretical approach to literature
review paper used library research and adapted critical literature
review approach. It reviewed 30 out of the 60 documents on self-help, adult educators, and community development. It was
observed that self-help, a strategy to improve communities,
makes people learn. Through continuous learning and training,
people adapt to changes and address problems in their communities. Adult educators are to build inclusiveness, networks, attitudinal change, partnership and mobilization of self-help groups to
restore vitality, make communities more vibrant and
Research Article
Self-help, Ghana, communities