Willingness to pay for small‐quantity lipid‐based nutrient supplements for women and children: Evidence from Ghana and Malawi
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Small‐quantity lipid‐based nutrient supplements (SQ‐LNS) are designed to enrich maternal and
child diets with the objective of preventing undernutrition during the first 1,000 days. Scaling
up the delivery of supplements such as SQ‐LNS hinges on understanding private demand and
creatively leveraging policy‐relevant factors that might influence demand. We used longitudinal
stated willingness‐to‐pay (WTP) data from contingent valuation studies that were integrated into
randomized controlled nutrition trials in Ghana and Malawi to estimate private valuation of SQLNS
during pregnancy, postpartum, and early childhood. We found that average stated WTP
for a day's supply of SQ‐LNS was more than twice as high in Ghana than Malawi, indicating that
demand for SQ‐LNS (and by extension, the options for effective delivery of SQ‐LNS) may be very
context specific. We also examined factors associated with WTP, including intervention group,
household socioeconomic status, birth outcomes, child growth, and maternal and child morbidity.
In both sites, WTP was consistently negatively associated with household food insecurity,
indicating that subsidization might be needed to permit food insecure households to acquire
SQ‐LNS if it is made available for purchase. In Ghana, WTP was higher among heads of household
than among mothers, which may be related to control over household resources. Personal
experience using SQ‐LNS was not associated with WTP in either site.
demand, Ghana, Malawi, small‐quantity, willingness to pay
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