The Gold Coast Nation and National Consciousness

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D. Marples & printers, 50a Lord Street


The following chapters are reprinted from the columns of the Gold Coast Leader. The Author indulges the - hope that the principles therein set fortb, and the sentiments to which he gives so inadequate an expression, may influence for good,, not his contemporaries only, but also- and especially- the members of the rising generation, whose birth right, privilege, duty, destiny and honour it is to usher in an era of Backward Movement, which to all cultured West Africans is synonymous with the highest conception of progress and advancement. Intelligent Retrogression is the only Progression that will save our beloved country. This may sound a perfect paradox, but it is, nevertheless, the truth; and if all educated \Vest Africans could be forced by moral suasion ' and personal conviction to realize that "Back to the Land" signifies a step forward, that" Back to the Simple Life" of our progenitors expresses a burning wish to advance, that the desire to rid ourselves of foreign accretions and excrescences is an indispensable condition of National Resurrection and National Prosperity, we should feel ourselves amply rewarded. My most cordial thanks are due to Miss Marples for her invaluable assistance in reading' and correcting the proofs, thereby saving me time and labour.




Gold Coast, National Consciousness, Nation, Territories




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