Contemporary issues in women's health
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International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
The editors of Contemporary Issues in Women’sHealth solicit reporters and correspondents fromthroughout the world to make contributions tothis section. Beginning with this issue, we will bemaking editorial changes. Dr. S. Arulkumaran,Secretary General of FIGO and a founding editorof this section, will be departing as one of ourauthors and we will be adding colleagues fromaround the world to provide broad correspon-dence. This month, Richard M.K. Adanu, FWACS,MPH, Lecturer in the Department of Obstetricsand Gynecology at the University of GhanaMedical School, will be joining as a full-timecontributor. Dr. Adanu qualified in Medicine atthe University of Ghana, completed his trainingin Obstetrics and Gynecology in the well knownCarnegie Ghana Training Program, and has re-cently completed the Masters of Public Health atthe Johns Hopkins University as a Gates Scholar.We look forward to his participation. Please feelfree to email or otherwise contact ProfessorTimothy Johnson at or DoctorRichard Adanu at if you havereports or items that you would like to haveincluded. We would be happy to attribute theitems to those reporters and correspondents whogive permission in their transmittal. Otherwise, wewill share those reports that we think are ofthe greatest interest to our readership withoutattribution.