How does dividend policy affect performance of the firm on Ghana Stock exchange?
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Investment Management and Financial Innovations
The study examines whether dividend policy influences firm performance in Ghana. The analyses are performed using data derived from the financial statements of listed firms on the GSE during the most recent eight-year period. Ordinary Least Squares model is used to estimate the regression equation. In order to operationalise 'dividend policy'; the study coded: '1' to represent the company has a policy to pay dividend; while '0' to represent the company has a policy not to pay dividends. The results show positive relationships between return on assets, dividend policy, and growth in sales. Surprisingly, study reveals that bigger firms on the GSE perform less with respect to return on assets. The results also reveal negative associations between return on assets and dividend payout ratio, and leverage. The results of the study generally support previous empirical studies. The main value of this study is the identification of how dividend policy affects performance of firms listed on the Ghana Stock exchange. © Mohammed Amidu, 2007.
Dividend policy, Firms, Listed Ghana, Price